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Amin Parsa

Amin Parsa

Affilierad forskare

Amin Parsa

Logistics of participation in backstage practices of international law


  • Amin Parsa

Summary, in English

Research networks, new lines of inquiries, the language for such inquiries, authorship collectives and more are formed through participation in backstage practices such as conferences, symposiums, workshops etc. If we agree on the constitutive role of such practices in shaping international law (IL) as a field of knowledge and of course making of a career in scholarship then the very material conditions of participation in backstage practices and events are also mechanisms that shape the content and directionality of the knowledge development in IL. To such material conditions of participation in the backstage events and practices, I refer as logistics of participation.
In this essay I will explore the role of logistics of participation in determining participants of IL knowledge production and subsequently how such logistic necessities delimit the scoop of the thinkable in IL knowledge production.
In arguing my case I will briefly explore two logistic conditions of participation and show how knowledge production in IL is precondition on certain logistic requirements that overburden scholars of institutions of the South to the point that their participation in IL knowledge production is a rarity if not all together non-existent. These two example are a) an empirical study of accessibility of academic materials such as journal articles, books and e-books as basic logistics of academic practice for Iranian scholars of IL. b) The visa regime as arguably the most materially tangible technology of impeding the actual presence and participation of scholars of the South in the scholarly events of IL.


  • Rättssociologiska institutionen






Konferensbidrag: abstract


  • Law and Society

Conference name

Illuminating the Backstage of Transnational Legal Practice

Conference date

2016-06-29 - 2016-08-30

Conference place

Amsterdam, Netherlands

