Anna Sonander
Senior lecturer

Att arbeta med barn som brottsoffer : En rättssociologisk studie
Summary, in English
The thesis consists of three different purposes. Purpose number one entails describing and analysing the legal opportunities for, and the demands on, the work of the actors in question with regard to children as victims of crime. This purpose intends to illustrate the legal regulation, which in different ways, and to different degrees, controls the work of the actors. Whereas the legislation provides a certain type of action on the part of the actors, and to different extents entails a normative framework for the actors work, it does not constitute an exact direction in terms of the actions of the actors. Determining existing law is not equivalent to determining the actions of the actors. The second purpose of the thesis relates to the relationship between the legal regulation and the actions of the actors, that is, whether or not the actors can be said to having fulfilled the legal requirements when carrying out their work with children as victims of crime. This section involves a comparison of the correspondence between legal regulations and actions. To create an understanding and explanation to the first and second purposes, purpose number three entails the investigation of what factors influence the actions of the actors when carrying out their work with children as victims of crime. To investigate what factors influence the actors when carrying out their work with children as victims of crime, the three concepts: will, knowledge and system, will be used. The methods of interview, questionnaire and analysis of literature have been combined for the different purposes.With regard to purpose number one of the thesis, the investigation shows that, two different processes can be initiated. These processes concern the same child, but the actors that are present in the different processes have different responsibilities with regard to the child. In some instances the legislation stipulates clear directions for the actors to follow, whereas in other instances the legislation stipulates an objective or a result that is desirable while the specific action is not stipulated. When it comes to the second purpose of the thesis, the study has, among other things, shown that the current legislation, which in different ways regulates specific actions, is not always observed by the actors. With regard to the final purpose of the thesis the investigation shows that the different factors influence the actors’ work with children as victims of crime to different extents and in different ways. This consequently means that neither of the different influencing factors irrevocably can be said to be more important than the others. Instead, the study has demonstrated the interdependence that exists between the different influencing factors, which in the actors’ day-to-day work interact and influence one another.
- Department of Sociology of Law
Publishing year
Document type
Lund University
- Law and Society
- police
- working with Children
- Sociology of Law
- Children as Victims of Crime
- social services
- Att arbeta med barn som brottsoffer. -En rättssociologisk studie
- Karsten Åström
- ISBN: 91-7267-252-8
Defence date
15 February 2008
Defence time
Defence place
LU 206, Universitetshuset, Universitetsplatsen, Paradisgatan 2, Lund
- Liv Finstad (Professor)