Research Areas:
- Transnational law and EU civil aviation regulation
- Safety norms and risk management
- The criminalisation of professional errors
Current Research:
My research focuses on the field of European Union (EU) civil aviation and the profession and professionalism of licensed aircraft maintenance engineers in Europe. In particular, my PhD project explores, from a socio-legal perspective, the complexity and interplay between legal norms and legal forms, civil aviation organisational structures and professional norms in relation to the broader notions of risk, safety and legal accountability.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Safe but not Secure? Risk Management, Communication and Preparedness for a Pandemic in Aviation
John Woodlock
(2023) Oñati International Series in Law and Society , p.375-390
Book chapterBetween Law and Safety : Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers and the Socio-professional Construction of Legality in European Civil Aviation
John Woodlock
(2023) Lund University
DissertationArbitrators of safety and authors of law – legal consciousness, normative pluralism and modulated derogation among European licensed aircraft maintenance engineers
John Woodlock
(2022) Onati Socio-Legal Series, 12 p.172-215
Journal articleProcedural justice for all? Legitimacy, just culture and legal anxiety in European civil aviation
John Woodlock
(2022) Law and Society Review, 56 p.441-476
Journal articleRättsmedvetande
John Woodlock
(2020) Om rättssociologisk tillämpning, (Redaktörer Isabel Schoultz, Ida Nafstad) , p.267-284
Book chapter(f)Lex avionica; How soft law serves as an instrumental mediator between professional norms and the hard law regulation of European civil aviation maintenance
John Woodlock, Håkan Hydén
(2020) Safety Science, 121 p.54-63
Journal article
I hold a Bachelor of Science in Sociology of Law, a Bachelor of Science in Gender Studies, and a Master of Science in Global Studies (Major in Sociology of Law). I have studied at Lund University and at Malmö University in Sweden. I have also studied at the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISL) in the Basque Country, Spain. Prior to academic studies, I have an international professional background in aviation maintenance.