Published Research
All publications
In Lund University Research Portal Lucris you can find dissertations, reports, and articles written by researchers at the Sociology of Law Department.
Our book series
The Sociology of Law Department presents Lund Studies in Sociology of Law covering topics like cyber norms, sustainability, abused women, and living law.
We publish doctoral theses individually as part of Sociology of Law Dissertations 1978–.
We also have the book series Research Reports in Sociology of Law
If you wish to publish in our series, please contact the editor. Publications are numbered according to the series and full publication details are entered in a publication list at the end of each work. Contact the editor for information and the current list.
NOTE: The printer sometimes does not use an updated list. Authors must check the pre-print copy to ensure that the correct version of the publication list is included.
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Media-Tryck is Lund University's printing house where you can order dissertations and many of the books that are printed at the university.