Lunch Seminar with Max Travers
The Sociology of Law Department arranges a research seminar series inviting local and international social scientists to present state-of-the-art research within various areas of law and society.
Teaching Sociology of Law
This presentation identifies two views or tendencies in sociology of law. The first advanced by theorists and philosophers in law schools assumes a positive view of law and that empirical research will improve its fairness and effectiveness. The second approach, advanced by many sociologists, is either disinterested, sceptical or critical towards law. Max Travers taught a course at the University of Tasmania to social science and law students that advanced a sceptical and critical view as a means of appreciating law. The emphasis was on the ineffectiveness of law and regulation and the difficulties of maintaining the legal system and the rule of law. The presentation concludes by considering whether the two positions can be recognised and reconciled when teaching sociology of law.
Max Travers is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Social Sciences, University of Tasmania. He co-edited with Reza Banakar An Introduction to Law and Social Theory (2002) and Law and Social Theory (2013).
Om evenemanget
Room M331, 3rd floor, Allhelgona kyrkogata 18 (House M), Lund
ole [dot] hammerslev [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se