Research Seminar in Sociology of Law: Anne Alvesalo-Kuusi
The Sociology of Law Department arranges research seminars inviting local and international social scientists to present state-of-the-art research within various areas of law and society.
Presentation of LAWRADAR
LAWRADAR, a Finnish research infrastructure (RI) has been established to provide a true one-stop-shop for legislative data. LAWRADAR ensures that all national documents relevant to the law-making process are seamlessly linked. It is a pioneer in its field, both nationally and internationally. It is the previously missing link connecting legislative data from the public and making it accessible. Lawradar is already a well-established service which has been in operation since 2020. Users do about 3,300 searches with Lawradar monthly, totalling ca. 40,000 user actions per year. LAWRADAR provides the public with information on the production of the legislation that governs its life. Lawradar has been completed with legislative documents in Swedish. The RI currently holds legislative materials from 1976–2024 and has advanced search tools to facilitate finding and understanding relevant information from this data mass. LAWADAR is being developed to expand into LAWPOL where the political dimensions of legislation are also included. For instance, parliamentary debates, government programs, elections and party manifestos reflect the political dynamics, ideologies, interests, and conflicts related to decision-making. Previously fragmented across various sources, these materials will now be consolidated under one portal.
The presentation will be held by Anne Alvesalo-Kuusi, the “founding mother” of Lawradar, Professor of Sociology of Law and Vice Dean of Research at the University of Turku (UTU), Faculty of Law. She has a long-standing, internationally recognised career in many socio-legal studies subjects. She has been part of scholarly forums, symposia and networks spanning North America and many countries across Europe for over 20 years.
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Online and in room M331, 3rd floor, Allhelgona kyrkogata 18 (House M), Lund
isabel [dot] schoultz [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se