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Patrik Olsson porträttfoto

Patrik Olsson


Patrik Olsson porträttfoto

An Overview of Child Abuses in 3D Social Networks and Online Video Games : An Overview of Child Abuses in 3D Social Networks and Online Video Games


  • Miguel A. Garcia-Ruiz
  • Miguel Vargas Martin
  • Patrik Olsson


  • Alfreda Dudley

Summary, in English

It appears that child pornography distribution and child abuses on the Internet have permeated to massively multiplayer online role-playing video games (MMORPG) and 3D social networks, such as Second Life (SL), a compelling online virtual world where millions of users have registered. Although SL is intended for general entertainment in its adult (over 18) version, cases of simulated pedophilia have been reported inside SL’s virtual world, generated by some of its users, employing SL communication capabilities to trade and show child pornography images to exchange related text messages. This chapter provides a literature review on child pornography in MMORPGs and other 3D social networks including SL, as well as policy and network approaches for overcoming child abuse. A review on ethical and legal issues of dealing with child pornography and other types of child abuse in 3D social networks and MMORPGs is also addressed in this chapter.






Investigating Cyber Law and Cyber Ethics: Issues, Impacts and Practices : Investigating Cyber Law and Cyber Ethics: Issues, Impacts and Practices


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IGI Global


  • Sociology




  • ISBN: 9781613501320