- Korruption och informalitet
- Rättssociologiska studier av migration
- Rättspluralism och rättskultur
- Religion och etnicitet i post-sovjetiska fängelser
- Islamisk offentlig förvaltning
- Juridik och samhälle i Centralasien
- Centralasiatiska studier
- Rättssociologi i auktoritära rättssamhällen
- Politisk ekonomi och rättsreformer i Eurasien
Pågående forskning
1) Legal Pluralism, Informality and Everyday Life in Multicultural Prisons: A Case Study of Central Asian Muslim Prisoners in the Russian Penal System (to be published by the University of California Press, under contract, forthcoming 2025)
Centralasiatiska muslimers dagliga erfarenheter av det ryska fängelsesystemet.
2) ADLAW: Administrative Law Reform and Legal Integration in Hybrid Political Regimes (2021-2025)
ADLAW-projektet är ett samarbete mellan Lunds universitet och University of Manchester och ska ta fram ett nytt ramverk för tolkning av konstitutionella legitimeringsprocesser i hybrida politiska regimer.
3) MOCCA: Multilevel Orders of Corruption in Central Asia (2023-2027)
Huvudsyftet med MOCCA-projektet är att bidra till det globala och nationella arbetet med att förstå och motverka korruption genom att bedriva tvärvetenskaplig forskning om korruption på flera nivåer i fem länder i Centralasien - Kazakstan, Kirgizistan, Tadzjikistan, Turkmenistan och Uzbekistan.
4) MARS: Non-Western Migration Regimes in a Global Perspective (2024-2028)
Huvudsyftet med MARS-projektet är att öka vår kunskap om och vetenskapliga förståelse för global, regional och nationell styrning av migration och rörlighet.
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Civil Society and Social Capital in Central Asia
Alisa Moldovanova, Rustam Urinboyev, Sherzod Eraliev
(2025) International Encyclopedia of Civil Society
Artikel i uppslagsverkLegal, illegal, digital: Usbekische Migranten in Russland und der Türkei
Sherzod Eraliev, Rustam Urinboyev, Daniyar Kaldiyarov, Azamat Mukhtarov, Daniya Nurmukhankyzy
(2024) Osteuropa , p.147-163
Artikel i tidskriftSocial Media, Anti-Corruption Activism and Democratisation in Authoritarian Contexts: A Case Study of Uzbekistan
Sherzod Eraliev, Rustam Urinboyev
(2024) Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization
Artikel i tidskriftThe Political Economy of Central Asian Law: A Law and Society Analysis
(2024) International Political Economy Series
BokLaw, Society and Corruption: Lessons from the Central Asian Context
Rustam Urinboyev, Måns Svensson
(2024) Law, Justice and Power series
BokMahalla in Uzbekistan: An Embodiment of Muslim Values of Neighbourliness and Mutual Support
Rustam Urinboyev
(2024) Maydan: An online publication of the AbuSulayman Center for Global Islamic Studies at George Mason University
Artikel i tidskriftDebt-Based Trade, Social Norms and Informality in Uzbekistan: Case Study of Rassiychilar in Rural Fergana
Elmurod Sobirov, Rustam Urinboyev
(2024) Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 57 p.49-68
Artikel i tidskriftEveryday Geopolitics of Uzbek Migrants in Russia and Their Left-behind Families in Uzbekistan
Sherzod Eraliev, Rustam Urinboyev
(2024) Eastern Europe and Eurasia in the Global Age: Narrating Geopolitics and Culture
Del av eller Kapitel i bok"What Have You Done, Brother Putin?" Everyday Geopolitics and Central Asian Labour Migration to Russia
Sherzod Eraliev, Rustam Urinboyev
(2024) Central Asian Survey, 43 p.215-234
Artikel i tidskriftEthnic and religious identities in Russian penal institutions: A case study of Uzbek Transnational Muslim prisoners
Rustamjon Urinboyev, Judith Pallot
(2024) Open Research Europe, 3
Artikel i tidskriftUnderstanding Corruption: An Interdisciplinary Socio-Legal Perspective
Rustam Urinboyev, Nasimbek Azizov
(2023) Ўзбекистон Республикаси Бош Прокуратураси Академияси АХБОРОТНОМАСИ, 4 p.61-61
Artikel i tidskriftIslamic legal culture in Uzbekistan
Rustam Urinboyev
(2023) Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis, 55 p.402-429
Artikel i tidskriftInformality and Uzbek Migrant Networks in Russia and Turkey
Sherzod Eraliev, Rustam Urinboyev
(2023) The Central Asian World , p.577-590
Del av eller Kapitel i bokLaw, Society, and Corruption: Exploring (Anti-) Corruption From Interdisciplinary and Multilevel Perspectives
Rustam Urinboyev, Tolibjon Mustafoev
(2023) Research Report/Coursebook in Sociology of Law
BokNavigating the Legal Uncertainty and Informality in Authoritarian Regimes: Legal Culture, Governance and Business Environment in Uzbekistan
Rustam Urinboyev, Erhan Dogan
(2023) Central Asian Affairs, 10 p.349-371
Artikel i tidskriftEthnicity, Migration and Digital Labour: Mobile Phone Technology Use Among Uzbek Migrants
Rustam Urinboyev
(2022) Oxford Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Communication
Del av eller Kapitel i bokEveryday Transnational Lives of Uzbek Migrants in Russia: A Socio-Legal Perspective
Rustam Urinboyev, Sherzod Eraliev
(2022) Routledge Handbook of Asian Transnationalism
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Political Economy of Non-Western Migration Regimes: Central Asian Migrant Workers in Russia and Turkey
Rustam Urinboyev, Sherzod Eraliev
(2022) Palgrave International Political Economy Series
BokInformal civil society initiatives in non-Western societies: mahallas in Uzbekistan
Rustam Urinboyev, Sherzod Eraliev
(2022) Central Asian Survey, 41 p.477-497
Artikel i tidskriftPolitical vs. Everyday Forms of Governance in Uzbekistan: The Illegal, Immoral, and Illegitimate
Rustam Urinboyev
(2022) Informality, Labour Mobility and Precariousness: Supplementing the State for the Invisible and the Vulnerable , p.223-247
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMigrant Labor Markets in Russia and Turkey
Rustamjon Urinboyev, Sherzod Eraliev
(2022) International Political Economy Series , p.113-143
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDocumentation and Legalization Arenas in Moscow and Istanbul
Rustamjon Urinboyev, Sherzod Eraliev
(2022) International Political Economy Series , p.79-111
Del av eller Kapitel i bokParallel Worlds of Uzbek Migrants in Russia and Turkey
Rustamjon Urinboyev, Sherzod Eraliev
(2022) International Political Economy Series , p.51-77
Del av eller Kapitel i bokInformality and Migrant Agency in Non-Western Migration Regimes
Rustamjon Urinboyev, Sherzod Eraliev
(2022) International Political Economy Series , p.181-188
Del av eller Kapitel i bokRussian and Turkish Migration Regimes in a Comparative Perspective
Rustamjon Urinboyev, Sherzod Eraliev
(2022) International Political Economy Series , p.33-50
Del av eller Kapitel i bokUnderstanding Labor, Law and Informality in Non-Western Migration Regimes
Rustamjon Urinboyev, Sherzod Eraliev
(2022) International Political Economy Series , p.1-32
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Shadow Economy and the Street World as a Migration Arena
Rustamjon Urinboyev, Sherzod Eraliev
(2022) International Political Economy Series , p.145-180
Del av eller Kapitel i bokUnderstanding and Theorizing Migrants’ Experiences in Non-Western, Non-Democratic Migration Regimes
Rustam Urinboyev
(2021) Central Asian Affairs, 8 p.306-311
BokrecensionUrinboyev, R. (2021). Immigration and Refugee Law in Russia: Socio-Legal Perspectives. By Agnieszka Kubal. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 2019. xxii, 205 pp. Appendixes. Notes. Bibliography. Index. £85.00, hard bound. Slavic Review, 80(2), 445-446. doi:10.1017/slr.2021.137
Rustam Urinboyev
(2021) Slavic Review, 80 p.445-446
BokrecensionSmartphone Transnationalism in Non-Western Migration Regimes: Transnational Ethnography of Uzbek Migrant Workers in Russia
Rustam Urinboyev
(2021) Routledge BASEES series , p.89-113
Del av eller Kapitel i bokIntroduction: Labour, mobilities and informal practices in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe
Rano Turaeva, Rustam Urinboyev
(2021) BASEES series
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMigration and Hybrid Political Regimes: Navigating the Legal Landscape in Russia
Rustam Urinboyev
BokCentral Asian Law: Legal Cultures, Governance and Business Environment in Central Asia. A Collection of Papers from Central Asian Guest Researchers Seconded to Lund University
(2020) Research Report in Sociology of Law
BokPrecarious Times for Central Asian Migrants in Russia
Sherzod Eraliev, Rustam Urinboyev
(2020) Current History, 119 p.258-263
Artikel i tidskriftDen levande rätten
Rustam Urinboyev
(2020) Om rättssociologisk tillämpning , p.143-158
Del av eller Kapitel i bokWhy Control Immigration? Strategic Uses of Migration Management in Russia. By Caress Schenk. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018. xvi, 374 pp. Appendix. Notes. Bibliography. Index. Figures. Tables. $71.25, hard bound.
Rustam Urinboyev
(2019) Slavic Review, 78 p.529-533
BokrecensionEveryday Corruption and Social Norms in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan
Rustam Urinboyev
(2019) , 19 p.1-31
Working paperCorruption in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan
Rustam Urinboyev
(2018) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance , p.1-1
Del av eller Kapitel i bokLocal Government in Uzbekistan
Rustam Urinboyev
(2018) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance
Del av eller Kapitel i bokNegotiating Spaces and the Public–Private Boundary: Language Policies Versus Language Use Practices in Odessa
Abel Polese, Rustam Urinboyev, Tanel Kerikmae, Sarah Murru
(2018) Space and Culture
Artikel i tidskriftCorruption, Informality and ‘Living Law’ in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan
Rustam Urinboyev
(2018) Kalabalik. Bulletin of the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 4 p.10-10
Artikel i tidskriftMigration, Transnationalism, and Social Change in Central Asia: Everyday Transnational Lives of Uzbek Migrants in Russia
Rustam Urinboyev
(2018) Eurasia on the Move. Interdisciplinary Approaches to a Dynamic Migration Region , p.27-41
Del av eller Kapitel i bokPolitical vs Everyday Forms of Governance in Uzbekistan: the Illegal, Immoral and Illegitimate Politics and Legitimacy in Post-Soviet Eurasia
Rustam Urinboyev, Abel Polese, Måns Svensson, Laura L Adams, Tanel Kerikmae
(2018) Studies of Transition States and Societies, 10 p.50-64
Artikel i tidskriftMahalla
Rustam Urinboyev
(2018) The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality: Understanding Social and Cultural Complexity, 2 p.69-72
Artikel i uppslagsverkEveryday Life Governance in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan
Laura L Adams, Måns Svensson, Rustam Urinboyev
(2018) Contemporary Central Asia: Societies, Politics, and Cultures , p.487-487
Del av eller Kapitel i bokCorruption, Social Norms and Everyday Life in Uzbekistan
Rustam Urinboyev, Måns Svensson
(2017) Political Corruption and Governance , p.187-210
Del av eller Kapitel i bokEstablishing an "Uzbek Mahalla" via Smartphones and Social Media: Everyday Transnational Lives of Uzbek Labour Migrants in Russia
Rustam Urinboyev
(2017) Contemporary Central Asia: Societies, Politics, and Cultures , p.119-119
Del av eller Kapitel i bokInformality currencies: a tale of Misha, his brigada and informal practices among Uzbek labour migrants in Russia
Rustam Urinboyev
(2017) Post-socialist Informalities Power, Agency and the Construction of Extra-legalities from Bosnia to China
Del av eller Kapitel i bokArbeitsmigration und Schattenwirtschaft in Russland
Rustam Urinboyev
(2017) Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West, 7 p.18-18
Artikel i tidskriftLiterature Review of Social Media in Professional Organisations 2000-2015 : Work, Stress, Power Relations, Leadership, Librarians, Teachers, and Social Workers
Kari Rönkkö, Rustam Urinboyev, Måns Svensson, Lupita Svensson, Hanna Carlsson
Rustam Urinboyev
(2017) The Global Informality Project / Encyclopaedia of Informality
Artikel i uppslagsverkInformal Welfare and Everyday Acts of Resistance to the State in Post-Soviet Central Asia. An Ethnographic Study of Mahalla Institutions in Rural Fergana, Uzbekistan
Rustamjon Urinboyev
(2016) Festskrift till Karsten Åström , p.521-542
Del av eller Kapitel i bokInformality currencies: a tale of Misha, his brigada and informal practices among Uzbek labour migrants in Russia
Rustamjon Urinboyev, Abel Polese
(2016) Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 24 p.191-206
Artikel i tidskriftChild Rights, Classroom and School Management: A Systematic Literature Review
Rustamjon Urinboyev, Per Wickenberg, Ulf Leo
(2016) International Journal of Children's Rights, 24 p.499-521
Artikel i tidskriftMigration and Transnational Informality in Post-Soviet Societies : Ethnographic Study of Po rukam (‘handshake’) Experiences of Uzbek Migrant Workers in Moscow
Rustamjon Urinboyev
(2016) Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series , p.70-93
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMigration and Parallel Legal Orders in Russia
Rustamjon Urinboyev
(2016) Aleksanteri Insight - Expert Opinion Series, 4
ÖvrigtParadoxes of Local Government Reform in Post-Soviet Central Asia
Rustamjon Urinboyev
KonferensbidragMigrantarbetare inom jordbruket – arbetsmiljö och arbetsvillkor
Måns Svensson, Anders Wigerfelt, Rustamjon Urinboyev, Ulla Nilsson, Margareta Littorin, et al.
(2015) Arbetsliv i omvandling, 1
BokLocal Government Capacity in Post-Soviet Central Asia
Rustamjon Urinboyev
(2015) Viesoji Politika Ir Administravimas, 14 p.177-199
Artikel i tidskriftEveryday Forms of Resistance to the Law: An Ethnographic Study of Street Vendors in Bogotá
Ana Maria Vargas Falla, Rustamjon Urinboyev
(2015) Droit et Société, 91 p.623-638
Artikel i tidskriftMahalla and People’s Everyday Energy Struggles in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan: The Unraveling of Uzbekistan’s Islamic Legal Culture and Administrative Traditions
Rustamjon Urinboyev
Konferensbidrag: abstractRethinking Informality in Post-Soviet Societies. An Ethnographic Study of “Po-Rukam“ (Handshake Deal) Experiences of Uzbek Migrant Workers in Moscow, Russia
Rustamjon Urinboyev
Konferensbidrag: abstractInformal Welfare and Everyday Acts of Resistance to the State in Post-Soviet Central Asia: Case Study of Mahalla Institutions in Uzbekistan
Rustamjon Urinboyev
Konferensbidrag: abstractEveryday Experiences of Energy in Rural Ferghana, Uzbekistan: Reconstructing the Notions of "Community" and the "State"
Rustamjon Urinboyev
Konferensbidrag: abstractRethinking Corruption in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan: Ethnography of “Living Law”
Rustamjon Urinboyev, Måns Svensson
(2014) Eugen Ehrlich‘s Sociology of Law , p.207-235
Del av eller Kapitel i bokIs there an Islamic Public Administration Legacy in Post-Soviet Central Asia? An Ethnographic Study of Everyday Mahalla Life in Rural Ferghana, Uzbekistan
Rustamjon Urinboyev
(2014) Halduskultuur - Administrative Culture, 15 p.157-178
Artikel i tidskriftIntroduction to the Special Issue: Islamic Public Administration: First Explorations in the former Second World (and other Regions)
Abdillah Noh, Wolfgang Drechsler, Rustamjon Urinboyev
(2014) Halduskultuur - Administrative Culture, 15 p.120-122
Artikel i tidskriftLiving Law and Political Stability in Post-Soviet Central Asia: A Case Study of the Ferghana Valley in Uzbekistan
Rustamjon Urinboyev
Konferensbidrag: abstractCorruption, Informality and ‘Living Law’ in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan
Rustamjon Urinboyev
(2013) , p.31-31
Konferensbidrag: abstractLiving Law and Political Stability in Post-Soviet Central Asia : A Case Study of the Ferghana Valley in Uzbekistan
Rustamjon Urinboyev
(2013) Lund Studies in Sociology of Law, 40
DoktorsavhandlingDiskriminering och psykosocial ohälsa : migrantarbetare i jordbruket
Måns Svensson, Anders S Wigerfelt, Rustamjon Urinboyev
(2013) Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv
Artikel i tidskriftLiving Law, Legal Pluralism, and Corruption in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan
Rustamjon Urinboyev, Måns Svensson
(2013) Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 45 p.372-390
Artikel i tidskriftCorruption in a culture of money: Understanding social norms in post-Soviet Uzbekistan
Rustamjon Urinboyev, Måns Svensson
(2013) Social and Legal Norms , p.267-284
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMigrant Agricultural Workers and Their Socio-‐economic, Occupational and Health Conditions– A Literature Review
Måns Svensson, Rustamjon Urinboyev, Anders Wigerfelt Svensson, Peter Lundqvist, Margareta Littorin, et al.
(2013) SSRN Working Papers series
Working paperPublic administration developments in post-Soviet Central Asia
Rustamjon Urinboyev
(2013) The Past, Present and Future of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe , p.296-303
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMigrantarbete inom den gröna näringen
Måns Svensson, Rustamjon Urinboyev, Ulla Nilsson, Margareta Littorin, Anders Wigerfelt-Svensson, et al.
RapportCorruption in a “culture of money”: Understanding social norms in post-Soviet Uzbekistan
Rustamjon Urinboyev
Konferensbidrag: abstractWelfare as a means for political stability : a law and society analysis
Måns Svensson, Rustamjon Urinboyev, Karsten Åström
(2012) European Journal of Social Security, 14 p.64-85
Artikel i tidskriftPolitical stability through welfare reforms : a comparative study of Central Asia and Western Europe
Rustamjon Urinboyev, Måns Svensson
Konferensbidrag: abstractUnderstanding public administration reforms in clientalistic Uzbekistan: the interplay between law and social norms
Rustamjon Urinboyev
Konferensbidrag: abstractSocial security as a means for political stability : a law and society analysis
Rustamjon Urinboyev
Konferensbidrag: abstractLaw, Social Norms and Welfare as Means of Public Administration: Case Study of Mahalla Institutions in Uzbekistan
Rustamjon Urinboyev
(2011) NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, IV p.33-57
Artikel i tidskriftBridging the State and Society: Case Study of Mahalla Institutions in Uzbekistan
Rustamjon Urinboyev
(2011) Norms between law and society: A collection of Essays from Doctorates from Different Academic Subjects and Different Parts of the World, Lund Studies in Sociology of Law 37 p.115-133
Del av eller Kapitel i bokPublic administration reforms in Uzbekistan : myth or reality
Rustamjon Urinboyev
Konferensbidrag: abstractSocial norms, law and the welfare as means of social control : case study of Mahalla Institutions in Uzbekistan
Rustamjon Urinboyev
Konferensbidrag: abstract
Rustam Urinboyev är docent vid Rättssociologiska institutionen. Han är en tvärvetenskaplig rättssociologisk forskare som studerar (anti)korruption, lag och samhälle, styrning, migration och straffrättsliga institutioner i Ryssland, Centralasien och Turkiet. Han är författare till Migration and Hybrid Political Regimes: Navigating the Legal Landscape in Russia (2020, UC Press) och Law, Society and Corruption: Lessons from the Central Asian Context (2024, Routledge).