Application form for internship courses
- The Master's Programme in Sociology of Law
You apply to the internship course by filling out the form below. When it has been reviewed by the master's programme administrator, you receive the internship plan template to fill out. The course director decides whether the internship will be approved. To this end, make sure to show in the internship plan that you, through your internship, are going to
- demonstrate a thorough practical knowledge about activities and work procedures of the organisation where the internship takes place,
- demonstrate a deeper understanding of earlier parts of the education within the programme in relation to the tasks undertaken during the internship,
- demonstrate an ability to critically and independently formulate a research problem concerning the study of sociology of law,
- demonstrate an ability to use appropriate theories and methods in conducting applied studies,
- within given time frames, in writing, communicate results of learning and research processes to different kinds of recipients.
Programme Administrator
Helena Edberg
Telephone: +46 (0)72-531 45 74
E-post: helena [dot] edberg [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se (helena[dot]edberg[at]soclaw[dot]lu[dot]se)