Research Areas
- Urban Space
- Information Technology
- Hacking
Current Research
The research concerns the role of software and the regulation of urban space, especially in so called "smart cities".
It is an attempt to think of digital technologies as a material and spatial phenomena in order to better grasp the agency and normativity of emerging technologies that mediate between code and urban environments.
Magnus Eriksson wants in particular to study the idea of "smart cities" and the normative structures of that development, both regarding the city and city governance as well as the promises of information technology as agents of social change.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Design opportunities for future development of crisis communication technologies for marginalised groups – Co-designing with Swedish disability organisations
Elisabet M. Nilsson, Jörgen Lundälv, Magnus Eriksson
(2022) Journal of Enabling Technologies, 16 p.159-171
Journal articleThe normativity of automated driving : a case study of embedding norms in technology
Magnus Eriksson
(2017) Information & Communications Technology Law, 26 p.46-58
Journal article
Magnus Eriksson is a Doctoral Student at the Cybernorms Research Group and also holds a position as design researcher at the Interactive Institute in Gothenburg as well as being the co-founder of netpolitical groups such as Piratbyrån, Telecomix and The Julia Group.