Research areas
- Legal Cultures and Comparative Law
- Gender
- Decision-making in Courts
Current research
- Adjudicating Islamic Family Law in Egypt: Continuity and Rupture. A post-doctoral research project focusing on adjudication of Muslim marriage and divorce law by Egyptian courts before and after the 2011 revolution. More generally, the research focuses on the intersection between law, religion, and gender in this field. The overall aim of the project is to contribute to the scholarly literature on law in context and in action, more specifically a growing literature on the implementation of shari‘a-derived family legislations in courts. Given that Muslim family law is ostensibly drawn from the stipulations of Islamic shari‘a, a further aim is to shed light on the intersection between law and Islamic normativity in this field of law, and how legal reasoning is shaped by a modern, positivistic conception of law. At the core of this study was an analysis of judicial practice at five Cairenese family courts. With a view to investigate how Cairenes family courts integrate various social classes into what they regard as the essence of Islam, she draws material from five family courts in different neighbourhoods in Cairo during the period 2011-2015. The project addresses how judges articulate notions of gender relations in relation to contraction of marriage and divorce.
In addition to the post-doctoral research project (above), Monika Lindbekk is involved in the following running projects:
- Gender and Judging. Co-organizer of an international research Collaboration dealing with Gender and Judging under the Law and Society Association together with Ulrike Schultz, Rania Maktabi, and Josephine Dawuni.
- Uses of the past. Contributing to a HERA-project called "Understanding Shari'a: Past Perfect, Present Imperfect. HERA – Humanities in the European Research Area - is a partnership between 24 Humanities Research Councils across Europe and the European Commission. The main idea there is to see how "the past" (historical, textual references etc.) is being used in contemporary shari’a discourse and practices. The project is a collaboration of four institutions: Universities of Exeter, Leiden, Gottingen and Bergen with Gottingen focusing on discourse and practices regarding gender.
- In 2016: How it felt to live in the Arab World five years after the ‘Arab Spring’. Contributing to "In 2016", which will provide an ‘encyclopedia of 2016’ that enables users, in a snapshot portrait of one year, to ‘jump right into’ and move around (via cross-references) in post-revolutionary Arab realities. Learn more at Olso University.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Studying the Modern Sharia Legal Field: Conceptual Framing and Thematic Focuses
Monika Lindbekk, Eirik Hovden, Ido Shahar
(2025) Oriente Moderno
Journal article100 years of Personal status reform in Egypt: Continuity and Change
Monika Lindbekk, Nouran Ahmed
(2025) Arab Law Quarterly
Journal articleAuthenticating Marriage in Egypt
Monika Lindbekk
(2024) Islamic Law in Context: A Primary Source Reader
Book chapterPaternal Filiation in Muslim-Majority Environments: A Comparative Look at the Interpretive Practice of Positive Islamic Law in Indonesia, Egypt, and Morocco
Monika Lindbekk, Baudouin Dupret, Adam Belkadi, Ayang Utriza
(2023) Journal of Law, Religion and State, 10 p.167-217
Journal articleReflections on Law, Religion, and Technology : Legal Mobilisation in the Area of Egyptian Paternity Law
Monika Lindbekk
(2023) Oñati International Series in Law and Society , p.145-158
Book chapterIntroduction: Gender and judging in the Middle East and Africa
Monika Lindbekk, Rania Maktabi
(2023) Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 13 p.1036-1048
Journal articleWith the Best of Intentions : Divorced Custodian Mothers Negotiating Access to Housing in Egypt
Monika Lindbekk, Mennatullah Hendawy
(2022) Journal of Legal Anthropology, 6
Journal articleConversions : ...in Egypt
Monika Lindbekk
(2021) Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, 21
Journal articleCourt Trials : ...in Egypt
Monika Lindbekk, Teresa Pepe
(2021) Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, 21
Journal articleImplementing the law of khul’ in Egypt: Tensions and ambiguities in Muslim Family Law
Monika Lindbekk
(2020) Hawwa, 18 p.265-294
Journal articleBlasphemy and the Cultivation of Religious Sentiments in post-2011 Egypt
Monika Lindbekk, Bassam Bahgat
(2020) Blasphemies Compared : Transgressive Speech in a Globalised World
Book chapterGender and Judging in Muslim Courts: Emerging Scholarship and Debates
(2020) Hawwa
Editor for a journalFilling Gaps in legislation: The Use of Fiqh by Contemporary Courts in Morocco, Egypt, and Indonesia
Monika Lindbekk, Baudouin Dupret, Ayang Utriza Yakin, Adil Bouhya
(2019) Islamic Law and Society, 26 p.405-436
Journal articleReview of Mulki al-Sharmani, Gender Justice and Legal Reform in Egypt: Negotiating Muslim Family Law.
Monika Lindbekk
(2019) Religion and Gender, 9
ReviewIntroduction: Uses of the Past: Sharīʿa and Gender in Legal Theory and Practice in Palestine and Israel
Monika Lindbekk, Nijmi Edres, Irene Schneider
(2018) Uses of the Past: Sharīʿa and Gender in Legal Theory and Practice in Palestine and Israel
Book chapterConversions
Monika Lindbekk
(2017) Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, 17 p.474-478
Journal articleJudicial Activism in the Context of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution: Emerging Conceptions of Femininity and Masculinity
Monika Lindbekk
(2017) Religion and Gender, 7 p.105-120
Journal articleIntroduction: A Historical Overview of Gender and Judicial Authority in the Muslim World
Monika Lindbekk, Nadia Sonneveld
(2017) Women Judges in the Muslim World : A Comparative Study of Discourse and Practice
Book chapterWomen Judges in Egypt: Discourse and Practice
Monika Lindbekk
(2017) Women judges in the Muslim world : a comparative study of discourse and practice
Book chapterInscribing Islamic shari‘a in Egyptian marriage and divorce law: continuity and rupture
Monika Lindbekk
DissertationInscribing Islamic Shari‘a in Egyptian Divorce
Monika Lindbekk
(2016) Oslo Law Review, 3 p.103-135
Journal articleA Revolution in Muslim Family Law? Egypt’s Pre- and Post-Revolutionary Period (2011-2013) Compared
Monika Lindbekk, Nadia Sonneveld
(2015) New Middle Eastern Studie, 5
Journal articleBetween the Power of the State and the Guardianship of the Church: Orthodox Copts Seeking Divorce
Monika Lindbekk
(2014) Eugen Ehrlich's Sociology of Law , p.179-208
Book chapterEnforcement of Personal Status Law by Egyptian Courts
Monika Lindbekk
(2013) Adjudicating Family Law in Muslim Courts
Book chapterEn revolusjon i egyptisk familierett
Monika Lindbekk
(2011) Babylon Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier, 9 p.22-35
Journal articleVårstemning i akademia: fornuft og følelser i den egyptiske revolusjonen
Monika Lindbekk
(2011) Materialisten, 32
Journal articlePolygyni i Egypt mellom regjering og disiplinær makt
Monika Lindbekk
(2009) Babylon Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier
Journal article
Prior to joining Lund University, Monika Lindbekk was a Senior Lecturer and a doctoral research fellow at the University of Oslo. Before this she worked as an Assistant Lecturer in Political Science at the British University in Egypt.